Shunly® Skincare has developed these customized skin type/condition routines to provide general guidelines for our 3 SkinCareActs™ Prevention, Protection, and Correction products. The following information is intended for use as a guide only. Product combinations could vary considerably for each person.
Shunri’s Routine for Normal Skin
Skin Type
Soft, hydrated and plump, with healthy glow and natural color. Fine texture, no open pores, very few wrinkles.
Well Hydration
Balanced Diet
Product Benefits
Help to normalize the skin pH balance and prevent future damage. Professional recommendations may vary depending on where patients fit within the category range.
3 SkincareActs KeyPrevent
Follow these steps every morning and evening
1 · Cleanse with one of the following
AHA + Deep Gel Cleanser / 3-in1 Makeup Remover
2 · Tone with one of the following
pH≈CoQ10 + A-Oxy Toner / pH≈SE + Nutri Toner
Additional morning steps
3 · Hydrate with
B, C, E + Ferulic Treatment or
CE + Asiatic Treatment
3a · For extra hydration
Botanical-C + Peptides Gel Lotion or
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell or
B3, B5 + Peptides Hydra Gel
4 · Protect with
Zn20 + SPF40 Light Moisturizer or
Radiant + Translucent SPF40
Additional evening steps
3 · Correct, use these on consecutive evenings for maximum benefit to your skin
AHA + Rapid Exfoliator
KA + Bio Lightening Treatment
B3, B5 + Peptides Hydra Gel or
Botanical-C + Peptides Gel Lotion
Repair tissue
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell
Shunri’s Routine for Dry Skin
Skin Type
Visible dryness and feels tight with tight pores. Prone to wrinkles and poor skin tone.
Incorrect product usage
Poor Diet
Product Benefits
Help to normalize the skin and correct the right pH balance and moisture loss. Improve elasticity and prevent further damage.
3 SkincareActs KeyPrevent
Follow these steps every morning and evening
1 · Cleanse with one of the following
AHA + Deep Gel Cleanser / 3-in1 Makeup Remover / ChM + Gentle Milk Cleanser
2 · Tone with pH≈CoQ10 + A-Oxy Toner
3 · Hydrate with B, C, E + Ferulic Treatment
Additional morning steps
3a · For extra hydration
Botanical-C + Peptides Gel Lotion
4 · Protect with
Zn20 + SPF40 Light Moisturizer
Additional evening steps
4 · Correct, use these on consecutive evenings for maximum benefit to your skin
AHA + Rapid Exfoliator
KA + Bio Lightening Treatment
B3, B5 + Peptides Hydra Gel or
Botanical-C + Peptides Gel Lotion
Vita A,E + Ceramides Treatment or
Vita A + Hyaluronic
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell
Shunri’s Routine for Oily Skin
Skin Type
Oily and shiny appearance, open pores and coarser skin texture. Little wrinkling. Possible break outs.
Incorrect product usage
Poor Diet
Product Benefits
Help to minimize oiliness, pores, and congestion. Prevent further damage.
3 SkincareActs KeyPrevent
Follow these steps every morning and evening
1 · Cleanse with one of the following
Oil Control Whipped Cleanser / AHA + Deep Gel Cleanser / 3-in1 Makeup Remover
*Cleanse twice in the evening
2 · Tone with pH≈SE + Nutri Toner
Additional morning steps
3 · Treat with
CE + Asiatic Treatment or
C + Active Treatment
4 · Protect with
Zn20 + SPF40 Light Moisturizer or
Radiant + Translucent SPF40
Additional evening steps
3 · Correct, use these on consecutive evenings for maximum benefit to your skin
AHA + Rapid Exfoliator
KA + Bio Lightening Treatment
B3, B5 + Peptides Hydra Gel
Chemical peel
Fruit Acid + Kojic Acid Peel
Tissue repair
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell
4 · Optional to
minimize blemishes
Acne Spot Treatment
Shunri’s Routine for Combination Skin
Skin Type
Soft, hydrated and plump, with healthy glow and natural color. Fine texture, Visible dryness around cheek and oily shine on T-Zone.
Product Benefits
Help to normalize the skin pH balance and prevent future break outs. Professional recommendations may vary depending on where patients fit within the category range.
3 SkincareActs KeyPrevent
Follow these steps every morning and evening
1 · Cleanse with one of the following
AHA + Deep Gel Cleanser / 3-in1 Makeup Remover
*Cleanse twice in the evening
2 · Tone with one of the following
pH≈CoQ10 + A-Oxy Toner / pH≈SE + Nutri Toner
3 · Hydrate with one of the following
B, C, E + Ferulic Treatment / CE + Asiatic Treatment
Additional morning steps
3 · Hydrate with one of the following
B, C, E + Ferulic Treatment or
CE + Asiatic Treatment
3a · For extra hydration
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell or
B3, B5 + Peptides Hydra Gel
4 · Protect with
Zn20 + SPF40 Light Moisturizer or
Radiant + Translucent SPF40
Additional evening steps
3 · Correct, use these on consecutive evenings for maximum benefit to your skin
AHA + Rapid Exfoliator
KA + Bio Lightening Treatment
B3, B5 + Peptides Hydra Gel
Chemical peel
Fruit Acid + Kojic Acid Peel
Tissue repair
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell
4 · Optional to
minimize blemishes
Acne Spot Treatment
Shunri’s Routine for Rosacea/Sensitive Skin
Skin Type
Not necessarily visibly seen
Red, inflamed appearance. Irritated by heat, products and friction
Stress / Friction / Incorrect product usage / Medication / Sun / Poor blood circulation / Spicy food / Alcohol / Fragrance
Product Benefits
Help alleviate redness and inflammation as they protect and help prevent further damage. This condition transcends skin types, so individual reactions to recommended products may vary.
3 SkincareActs KeyPrevent
Follow these steps every morning and evening
1 · Cleanse with one of the following
AHA + Deep Gel Cleanser / 3-in1 Makeup Remover / ChM + Gentle Milk Cleanser
2 · Tone with one of the following
pH≈CoQ10 + A-Oxy Toner (for dry skin Rosacea) / pH≈SE + Nutri Toner (for oily skin Rosacea)
Additional morning steps
3 · Hydrate with
B, C, E + Ferulic Treatment
3a · For extra hydration
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell or
B3, B5 + Peptides Hydra Gel or
Botanical-C + Peptides Gel Lotion
4 · Protect with
Zn20 + SPF40 Light Moisturizer
Additional evening steps
3 · Correct, use these on consecutive evenings for maximum benefit to your skin
AHA + Rapid Exfoliator
KA + Bio Lightening Treatment
B3, B5 + Peptides Hydra Gel or
Botanical-C + Peptides Gel Lotion
Tissue repair
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell
Tips for rosacea prone and sensitive skin
- Follow these three principles: less heat | less friction | less product
- With a paper towel, dry skin by patting, and not up/down/left/right scrubbing motion
- Avoid using face scrubs or brushes that create friction or heat, causing further damage
- Avoid washing face under a running hot shower – this will dry out skin’s surface
- Avoid any oil/emollient-based products
- Use physical sunscreen for sun and environmental protection
Shunri’s Routine for Dehydrated Skin
Skin Issue
Flaky and tight feeling on the surface with very fine lines. Oily look with blackheads can appear.
Lack of moisture / Incorrect product use / Diet / Environment / Medications
Product Benefits
Help counter moisture loss, improve elasticity, and rejuvenate dull skin.
3 SkincareActs KeyPrevent
Follow these steps every morning and evening
1 · Cleanse with one of the following
3-in1 Makeup Remover / ChM + Gentle Milk Cleanser
2 · Tone with one of the following
pH≈CoQ10 + A-Oxy Toner
Additional morning steps
3 · Hydrate with
B, C, E + Ferulic Treatment
3a · For extra hydration
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell or
Botanical-C + Peptides Gel Lotion
4 · Protect with
Zn20 + SPF40 Light Moisturizer
Additional evening steps
3 · Correct, use these on consecutive evenings for maximum benefit to your skin
AHA + Rapid Exfoliator
KA + Bio Lightening Treatment
B3, B5 + Peptides Hydra Gel or
Botanical-C + Peptides Gel Lotion
Vita A, E + Ceramides Treatment or
Vita A + Hyaluronic
Tissue repair
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell
Shunri’s Routine for Wrinkles/Sagging Skin
Skin Issue
Wrinkles / Sagging Skin
Wrinkles and skin that appears loose. Areas of pigmentation. Combination of oily and dry areas.
Genetics / Sun / Stress / Free radicals / Smoking
Product Benefits
Help counter moisture loss, decrease collagen breakdown, minimize fine lines, and rejuvenate dull skin.
3 SkincareActs KeyPrevent
Follow these steps every morning and evening
1 · Cleanse with one of the following
AHA + Deep Gel Cleanser
2 · Tone with one of the following
pH≈CoQ10 + A-Oxy Toner
Additional morning steps
3 · Hydrate with
B, C, E + Ferulic Treatment
3a · For extra hydration
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell or
Botanical-C + Peptides Gel Lotion
4 · Protect with
Zn20 + SPF40 Light Moisturizer
Additional evening steps
3 · Correct, use these on consecutive evenings for maximum benefit to your skin
AHA + Rapid Exfoliator
KA + Bio Lightening Treatment
B3, B5 + Peptides Hydra Gel or
Botanical-C + Peptides Gel Lotion
Vita A, E + Ceramides Treatment or
Vita A + Hyaluronic
Chemical peel
Fruit Acid + Kojic Acid Peel
Tissue repair
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell
Shunri’s Routine for Skin Blemishes
Skin Issue
Acne prone
Congestion/Breakout Condition
Acne prone · Oily appearance. Comedones (blackheads), papules, pustules, often red and sensitive.
Congestion/Breakout · Open and closed blackheads. Congestion under the surface. Possible inflammation. Pustule breakouts and papules.
Acne prone · Genetic / Hormonal imbalance / Comedogenic ingredients /Diet / Incorrect product usage / Makeup
Congestion/Breakout · Hormonal imbalance / Comedogenic ingredients / Smoking / Pollution / Friction / Diet / Incorrect product usage / Makeup
Product Benefits
Help reduce inflammation, redness, and occasional breakouts. Improve natural moisture loss and prevent further damage.
3 SkincareActs KeyPrevent
Follow these steps every morning and evening
1 · Cleanse
AHA + Deep Gel Cleanser (AM)
3-in1 Makeup Remover then Oil Control Whipped Cleanser (PM)
*Cleanse twice in the evening
2 · Tone with one of the following
pH≈SE + Nutri Toner
Additional morning steps
3 · Treat with
CE + Asiatic Treatment or
C + Active Treatment
3a · For extra hydration
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell or
B3, B5 + Peptides Hydra Gel
4 · Protect with
Zn20 + SPF40 Light Moisturizer or
Radiant + Translucent SPF40
Additional evening steps
3 · Correct, use these on consecutive evenings for maximum benefit to your skin
AHA + Rapid Exfoliator
KA + Bio Lightening Treatment
B3, B5 + Peptides Hydra Gel
Chemical peel
Fruit Acid + Kojic Acid Peel
Tissue repair
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell
4 · Optional to
minimize blemishes
Acne Spot Treatment
Tips for acne prone and congested skin
- Start treating acne, blackheads and whiteheads as soon as you see them appearing
- Do not pick acne/pimples or try to extract black/white heads
- With a paper towel, dry skin by patting, and not up/down/left/right scrubbing motion
- Avoid face scrubs or face brush that will result in spreading bacteria to other areas on the skin that can cause further damage
- Change pillowcase every day or if more convenient, use/change a towel instead
- Cleanse the skin before workouts or exercise
- Use only physical sunscreen for sun and environmental protection
Shunri’s Routine for Enlarged Pores
Skin Issue
Enlarged Pores
Oily and shiny with open pores, uneven skin texture and possible breakouts.
Hormonal imbalance / Comedogenic ingredients / Incorrect product usage / Pollution / Makeup
Product Benefits
Correct the skin’s natural pH balance to prevent moisture loss and improve excess oil production and helps to minimize pores.
3 SkincareActs KeyPrevent
Follow these steps every morning and evening
1 · Cleanse
AHA + Deep Gel Cleanser (AM)
3-in1 Makeup Remover then AHA + Deep Gel Cleanser (PM)
*Cleanse twice in the evening
2 · Tone with one of the following
pH≈CoQ10 + A-Oxy Toner / pH≈SE + Nutri Toner
Additional morning steps
3 · Hydrate with one of the following
B, C, E + Ferulic Treatment or
CE + Asiatic Treatment
3a · For extra hydration
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell or
B3, B5 + Peptides Hydra Gel
4 · Protect with
Zn20 + SPF40 Light Moisturizer or
Radiant + Translucent SPF40
Additional evening steps
3 · Correct, use these on consecutive evenings for maximum benefit to your skin
AHA + Rapid Exfoliator
KA + Bio Lightening Treatment
B3, B5 + Peptides Hydra Gel
Chemical peel
Fruit Acid + Kojic Acid Peel
Tissue repair
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell
Tips for skin with enlarged pores
- Wash face twice a day to keep your skin clean, and after working out or sweating
- Double cleanse your face in evening to make sure your skin is completely clean
- Avoid make-up and products with comedogenic ingredients like mineral oil
- After cleansing, always use pH toner to balance the skin
- Use only serum-based product without any oil/emollients
- Use only physical sunscreen for sun and environmental protection
Shunri’s Routine for Skin Discoloration
Skin Issue
Brown or white areas.
Sun / Trauma / Stress /Medications / Hormonal imbalance / Fragrance / Incorrect product usage / Pollution / Environmental factors
Product Benefits
Protect from moisture loss and help reduce erythema, heal, calm, and improve the appearance of brown spots and promote a clear, fresh looking complexion.
3 SkincareActs KeyPrevent
Follow these steps every morning and evening
1 · Cleanse
AHA + Deep Gel Cleanser (AM)
3-in1 Makeup Remover then AHA + Deep Gel Cleanser (PM)
*Cleanse twice in the evening
2 · Tone with one of the following
pH≈CoQ10 + A-Oxy Toner / pH≈SE + Nutri Toner
Additional morning steps
3 · Hydrate with one of the following
B, C, E + Ferulic Treatment or
CE + Asiatic Treatment
3a · For extra hydration
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell or
Botanical-C + Peptides Gel Lotion
4 · Protect with
Zn20 + SPF40 Light Moisturizer or
Radiant + Translucent SPF40
Additional evening steps
3 · Correct, use these on consecutive evenings for maximum benefit to your skin
AHA + Rapid Exfoliator
KA + Bio Lightening Treatment or
HQ + Phyto Moisturizer
B3, B5 + Peptides Hydra Gel
Vita A, E + Ceramides Treatment or
Vita A + Hyaluronic
Tissue repair
SE + Apple Skin Stem Cell or
Botanical-C + Peptides Gel Lotion
Tips for skin with discoloration
- If acne or pimples occur, do not pick or try to extract them as it may result in de-pigmentation and damaged skin.
- Use only physical sunscreen for sun and environmental protection